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Embrace Diversity to Foster Design Thinking and Cultivate Innovation that Drives Transformation


Embrace Diversity to Foster Design Thinking and Cultivate Innovation that Drives Transformation

May 09, 2023 / 32:38

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Diversity in the workforce not only fosters understanding between people from different backgrounds but also drives innovation in company practices and policies, hence making it more likely for the organization to transform. In this episode, Cathy Yeh, Microsoft Principal Group PM Manager at Customer Industrial Solutions, discusses with her Japanese colleague Kanae Nomura the crucial aspect of maintaining a successful partnership — design thinking.

Salon Participants

葉怡君 Cathy Yeh

葉怡君 Cathy Yeh

Principal Group PM Manager at Customer Innovation, Industrial Solutions, Microsoft Corp.

Kanae Nomura

Kanae Nomura

UX Architect at Customer Innovation, Industry Solutions, Microsoft Corp.

What’s happening?

The Asia-Pacific region is undergoing a rapid transition. As a result, clients change their needs all the time. To respond to the changes, design thinking becomes essential for a business to transform an abstract idea into a constructive solution for product development. From a wider perspective, how can the designer's mindset, working methodology, and philosophy bring to play may exert a profound impact on the entire innovation and technology ecosystem in the Asia Pacific region? Therefore, it is crucial to understand the values and principles that guide designers in their work.

  • Kanae Nomura, who currently works as a User Experience (UX) Architect based in Tokyo for Microsoft, previously worked as an in-house designer at Ricoh, a Japanese company specializing in office products such as printers and cameras. Later, Kanae relocated to the United States to focus on new business development design rather than existing products.
  • Hailing her diverse background and training that make her an asset to the team, Cathy says Kanae's Japanese heritage, combined with her training and experience in Europe and the United States, gives her a unique perspective on design that is influencing multiple projects in the Asia Pacific region. 
  • According to Cathy, Kanae is a great example of the type of designer mindset that is essential for successful co-innovation across supply chains. In their in-depth exchanges of views on design thinking, one theme emerges as an underpinning element across the board, namely, diversity.

Cathy and Kanae share the belief that it is imperative to explore and establish mutual benefits and shared values among stakeholders from diverse cultural backgrounds. This is essential in formulating comprehensive solutions, whether in the form of a product or towards organizational transformation. 

What are the challenges?

Diversity counts in the workplace and businesses yet advances slowly. 

  • In the Women in Work Index 2023 presented by an international professional services brand of firms PricewaterhouseCoopers, or PwC, that assesses how OECD countries perform on key metrics measuring women's employment outcomes, the result shows progress toward gender equality at work across the OECD has been exceedingly slow over the last 10 years. (PwC)
  • According to a survey on diversity in the US tax industry, despite recent years of increasing awareness and public scrutiny on the subject, the profession has not significantly advanced race and gender diversity within accounting firms and corporate tax departments. (Bloomberg)
  • Transformation requires a serious, long-term commitment from leaders. While diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI, in the workplace offers guidance for organizational leaders who are looking to foster a progressive culture transformation, Cathy points out that innovation is often associated with uncertainty and risk-taking and can advance rather slowly as transformation does.

Prioritizing DEI initiatives fosters innovation and culture transformation in a company

  • What is DEI? Gallup, a global analytics and advice firm that helps leaders and organizations solve their most pressing problems, defines DEI in the following way (Gallup): 
    • Diversity: The traits and characteristics that make people unique
    • Equity: Fair treatment, access, and advancement for each person
    • Inclusion: An environment that makes people feel welcome, respected, and valued
  • According to Cathy, supporting diversity requires shared values. As her team at Microsoft is transnational and constantly collaborates with companies from different cultures and countries, she believes that checking for mutual understanding is a crucial step in ensuring that their industrial partners are all on the same page
    • Additionally, diversity should not be limited to just cultural or ethnic backgrounds but should also include diversity in skills, experiences, and perspectives. 
  • It is not just about responding to external pressures, but about creating a truly inclusive and innovative culture within organizations that leads to better decision-making and creativity. 

Other than diversity, design thinking and growth mindset vs. craftsmanship also play important roles in fostering innovation as Cathy and Kanae explain in the following. 



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Teresa Tsai

Teresa Tsai / Contributing Reporter


Emma Chou

Emma Chou / Producer


Salon Talk

Can you share your experience in verifying the market popularity (market fit/market adaptation) of a new product? 1 則對談comments 2023-05-05 21:12:45
Kanae Nomura

Kanae Nomura

UX Architect at Customer Innovation, Industry Solutions, Microsoft Corp.

Let me use the example of Ricoh's 360-degree camera to illustrate the concept of more feature-oriented design and its potential issues. When we launched the new camera, which was a revolutionary product that used cutting-edge optical technology, the team was so focused on the product itself that we could not really explain how it would change people's lives or work. The team was product-centric, not user-centric. We needed to show people how this product would enhance their daily experiences. We should have focused on creating a coherent experience that combined both hardware and software, not just on the product's features alone. From this experience, I learned how important it is to listen to and emphasize users' voices, which means adopting a user-centered approach to product development by prioritizing the needs and experiences of users.

2023-05-05 21:12:45


What methodologies do you use to solve problems? 1 則對談comments 2023-05-05 21:13:11
Kanae Nomura

Kanae Nomura

UX Architect at Customer Innovation, Industry Solutions, Microsoft Corp.

When facing existing problems or challenges, I like to create a user workflow that captures the key actions of all actors involved in completing specific tasks based on interviews and research. This helps the team understand current user behavior and identify areas for improvement and innovation through technology. By analyzing the user workflow, we can identify what can be changed or improved to better meet the user's desires and needs.

2023-05-05 21:13:44


How do you translate new ideas into tangible and marketable products? 1 則對談comments 2023-05-05 21:15:01
Kanae Nomura

Kanae Nomura

UX Architect at Customer Innovation, Industry Solutions, Microsoft Corp.

I'd like to bring up 4 major considerations that must be considered in product design: Feasibility, Desirability, Viability, and Strategy Fit.

These factors are all equally important and need to be considered during the design process. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the product aligns with the corporate strategy, particularly when it comes to new ventures or building new corporate businesses.

While product-centered design and people-centered design approaches differ, a designer's growth mindset can balance the conflicts between the two. Similarly, a value-oriented UX approach and a needs-oriented UX approach are not necessarily contradictory. They are simply better suited for different phases of development.

2023-05-05 21:15:01


What are your thoughts on how cultures influence the mindset of designers? Any tips for our audience when they encounter cultural shocks in different organizations? 1 則對談comments 2023-05-05 21:24:34
Kanae Nomura

Kanae Nomura

UX Architect at Customer Innovation, Industry Solutions, Microsoft Corp.

Working in Japan, Germany, and the United States has taught me that cultural differences greatly influence the mindset of designers. For example, in Japan, a high-context language and emphasis on humility can lead to important details being left out. Meanwhile, in cultures like Germany and the United States, it is vital to communicate the "why" behind designs to avoid misunderstandings.

At the same time, I also learned the importance of being true to myself. I used to feel stressed when trying to adopt a more extroverted and bold personality, which was not true to my character traits. But by embracing who I am, I was able to bring a unique perspective to my work and connect with my team more authentically.

2023-05-05 21:24:51


How can we balance the importance of craftsmanship with the need for innovation and flexibility? 3 則對談comments 2023-05-05 21:27:41
葉怡君 Cathy Yeh

葉怡君 Cathy Yeh

Principal Group PM Manager at Customer Innovation, Industrial Solutions, Microsoft Corp.

Innovation is often associated with uncertainty and risk-taking, but I have noticed that Japanese culture tends to emphasize a "craftsman" mindset, which values established methods and precision in work. This can make it challenging for designers to step outside their comfort zones and embrace new approaches to innovation. As a result, UX architects or designers play a crucial role in communicating the value of trial and error and staying adaptable to changing circumstances.

2023-05-05 21:25:51

Kanae Nomura

Kanae Nomura

UX Architect at Customer Innovation, Industry Solutions, Microsoft Corp.

I can say the craftsman mindset is not against the growth mindset. On the contrary, the craftsman mindset can actually be quite beneficial to the product design process, particularly after the prototype has been completed. 

This mindset encourages a focus on continuous improvement and refinement of the product–iteration.  By applying this approach to the final stages of the design process, designers can ensure that the final result meets the highest standards of quality and usability. 

2023-05-05 21:26:54


A "growth mindset" is all about learning and improving through enthusiasm and effort, even when faced with failure. Microsoft has adopted this approach, seeing failure as evidence of the learning and growth process. It aligns well with the principles of design thinking.

2023-05-05 21:27:41


Do you agree UX Architects are important for driving sustainable and forward-looking solutions to development? 2 則對談comments 2023-05-05 21:29:28
Kanae Nomura

Kanae Nomura

UX Architect at Customer Innovation, Industry Solutions, Microsoft Corp.

I completely agree that the role of a UX architect or designer is crucial for the success of sustainable and forward-looking projects. Because when working on a fast-paced and innovative project with individuals from various backgrounds and specializations, expecting a standard or common process is not realistic. Instead, we need to align the project's scope and goals and make progress toward them. A UX architect collaborates with the Program Manager to scope and define the project's goals, keeping the customer's desirability in mind.

2023-05-05 21:28:41

葉怡君 Cathy Yeh

葉怡君 Cathy Yeh

Principal Group PM Manager at Customer Innovation, Industrial Solutions, Microsoft Corp.

Understanding that with technology constantly evolving, there are multiple players in the market. We need to be humble and have a bearing on where we stand. As for the changes our team made to better serve the customers, the endeavors to build a multidisciplinary and inclusive team with talents of more diverse backgrounds and expertise have paid off remarkably.

2023-05-05 21:29:28


How can designers and program managers work together effectively to ensure more sustainable project outcomes? 2 則對談comments 2023-05-05 21:30:26
Kanae Nomura

Kanae Nomura

UX Architect at Customer Innovation, Industry Solutions, Microsoft Corp.

Once we start a project implementation, the Program Manager guides us toward our goals while allowing room for creativity and flexibility. This helps the team stay on track, and I, as the UX architect (designer), can concentrate on iterating the UX/UI to fulfill the customer's needs and desires.

2023-05-05 21:30:06

葉怡君 Cathy Yeh

葉怡君 Cathy Yeh

Principal Group PM Manager at Customer Innovation, Industrial Solutions, Microsoft Corp.

UX designers can complement a Program Manager's expertise with their basic understanding of project management. By leveraging each other's strengths and diverse backgrounds, they can maximize resources and efficiency to deliver the desired outcomes.

2023-05-05 21:30:26


What is your take on "diversity"? What have you gained from working in different cultures? 3 則對談comments 2023-05-05 21:32:59
Kanae Nomura

Kanae Nomura

UX Architect at Customer Innovation, Industry Solutions, Microsoft Corp.

First, let me share my Three Learnings from having worked in different cultures, which include accepting diversity (furthermore, seeing it as desirable), assuming differences, and having dialogue without leaving out backgrounds and reasons, with appropriate language.

When we communicate with others, we often try to focus on finding common points. However, in a diverse work environment, it's important to value shared points (things bring together) and points of empathy (places where we can be close to each other). It's not just about finding similarities/commonalities. Find what is the shared model rather than the common model.

2023-05-05 21:31:23


As a whole, I would suggest that "working in different cultures does not mean working in different countries." For instance, between the different roles as designers and engineers; different business types such as corporates, startups, and consulting firms just like what I have worked for; different industries like manufacturing, transportation, and e-commerce; and different markets like B2C and B2B, although there may be some cultural differences, cultures can also exist within the same country, organization, or team. It is important to approach each work environment with an open mind and willingness to learn and adapt to new cultural norms.

2023-05-05 21:32:23

葉怡君 Cathy Yeh

葉怡君 Cathy Yeh

Principal Group PM Manager at Customer Innovation, Industrial Solutions, Microsoft Corp.

Design thinking and co-innovation can bridge cultural gaps and facilitate effective collaboration in transnational teams. Recognizing and accepting diversity, communicating empathetically, and focusing on shared values, rather than just commonalities, can help unlock new opportunities for growth and success.

2023-05-05 21:32:59


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