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Benefiting from the China-US trade war, How did Vietnam Emerge as the World's Factory with A Bullish Outlook?

Benefiting from the China-US trade war, How did Vietnam Emerge as the World's Factory with A Bullish Outlook?

Jul 14, 2023

Image credit - Tran Phu on Unsplash


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Vietnam is emerging as the world's new factory. In 2022, when the Asian economy slowed down, it was the only country posing stellar economic growth. Despite its socialist state status, Vietnam's economic policy has been constantly opening up and actively attracting foreign investment in recent years. What makes Vietnam a popular destination for global investment inflows?

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What happened?

  • According to Japan's Nomura Securities, Vietnam was the greatest beneficiary under the US-China trade war and the winner of the trade diversion as a result. The result is also thanks partly to the "Indo-Pacific Economic Framework" (IPEF) launched by the US side. (Global UDN)
    • Using the term "framework," IPEF will not take the traditional trade agreement form by providing relaxed market access or tariff preferences for IPEF participants. Instead, IPEF is primarily to involve commitments in four separate pillars covering selected trade issues; supply chains; clean energy, decarbonization, and infrastructure; and tax and anti-corruption to achieve the goal of deepening cooperation. (Sunrise)
  • According to the Vietnam General Statistics Office (GSO), Vietnam's GDP grew by 8.1% in 2022, making it the fastest-growing country in Asia. Nevertheless, demand for Vietnam's exports is facing headwinds from a global slowdown.

Can Vietnam be the next world's factory?

  • Vietnam, the fastest-growing economy in Southeast Asia, is considered the most promising country in taking over China's share of OEM business.
    • However, unlike China, which has seven top-10 deep-water ports in the world, Vietnam doesn't have a big logistics throughput like China. In addition, Vietnam's wages have been on the rise each year and are estimated to likely reach the same level as China's currently in seven years. (TSFA)
  • In recent years, thanks to the active deployment and guidance of the Vietnamese Government, Vietnam has become a popular destination for the electronics and manufacturing industries. Many Taiwanese businesses and Chinese local manufacturers have relocated their factories to Vietnam. The Vietnamese Government leverages lower labor costs and land rents than China to attract more foreign businesses to invest in Vietnam.
    • Vietnam has benefited in part from the manufacturing supply chain due to the US-China trade war. In Apple's supply chain, Vietnam has 21 suppliers in total, an increase of 7 from 2018. Taiwanese companies play an important role in Apple's supply chain, including Foxconn, Pegatron, Quanta, and Compal, all of which have expanded their factories in Vietnam. (TechNews)
  • The reasons why Vietnam is considered to be the next world's factory are first, relatively stable politics and religion; second, proximity to the sea for easier transport of goods; third, remarkable performance in fighting corruption. Lately, the Vietnamese Government has even adopted more favorable tax policies by launching industry tax incentives to provide "tax exemption for four years and 50 percent reduction of payable tax amounts for nine subsequent years" in an attempt to attract foreign companies operating within the country.

What are the future challenges?

  • Vietnam's current cheap labor force and preferential tariffs are well positioning the country for taking over diverted manufacturing out of China.  However, a challenge that lies ahead is the availability of human resources. As more high-tech and electronic manufacturing industries relocate to Vietnam, there is a risk of the labor pool in traditional sectors like textiles and shoemaking being squeezed.
  • Joining IPEF is beneficial to Vietnam's labor force. Vietnam can negotiate with other countries based on some international economic and trade regulations within this structure, especially on labor issues.

These years, Vietnam has enthusiastically incorporated trade liberalization by signing many free trade agreements with other countries. The agreements coupled with various preferential policies attract foreign investment in setting up factories. Its industrial competitiveness is no less than India, Thailand, and Malaysia among ASEAN countries. How did the increasingly popular "Made in Vietnam" emerge and rise? The following in-depth Sunrise Medium's interview with experts has shed some light.



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Jasmine Hsueh

Jasmine Hsueh / Editor


Stacy Chen

Stacy Chen / Editor


Salon Talk

What are the benefits for Vietnam after it joined IPEF? 3 則對談comments 2023-07-13 10:30:02



Over the past 10 years, Vietnam has been very active in signing various international trade agreements, such as FTA, CPTPP, RCEP, EVFTA, and so on. Vietnam intentionally taps into more potential markets by expanding its import and export markets.  establish an important economic strategic partnership.

Therefore, for Vietnam, although IPEF does not help the country substantially in terms of preferential tariffs, it is still conducive to expanding the standards of foreign trade. Vietnam also does not want to give up any opportunities, especially when IPEF is of strategic significance and strikes a balance between China and the United States.

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On another front, it is beneficial to the workers in Vietnam. Under socialism, independent trade unions are not allowed in Vietnam.  However, Vietnam has experienced significant changes since joining CPTPP. By further joining IPEF in the future, Vietnam will have the opportunity to become a part of the US-led supply chain, adhering to the labor standards mandated by the United States. This will greatly benefit the development of Vietnam's industry.

2023-07-13 10:29:13




Joining IPEF is helpful for Vietnam. Many electronics and high-tech manufacturers who originally set up factories in China have moved their manufacturing facilities from China to Vietnam for de-Sinicization amid the China-US trade war. In the case of Taiwanese businesses, the amount of trade diverted from China to factories in Vietnam has increased by about 60%. Vietnam has its geographical advantages in the supply chain. For example, North Vietnam is closely adjacent to China's Guangxi and Yunnan. Besides, Vietnam is a destination for processing and assembling, where the upstream, midstream, and downstream supply chains are also more complete than other ASEAN countries.

2023-07-13 10:30:02


What are Vietnam's strengths over ASEAN? Which industries are more advantageous in Vietnam? 3 則對談comments 2023-07-13 10:32:32



In the past, Vietnam's processing industries were dominantly electrical machinery, machinery, and electronics, as well as traditional industries such as textiles and shoemaking. Nowadays, the country has expanded its layout in electric vehicles. Moreover, Vietnam is expected to move toward an industrial cooperation model by forming a supply chain alliance with other ASEAN countries.

2023-07-13 10:31:00




Although Vietnam is a communist country, its politics is relatively stable. In addition, it is less turbulent than other ASEAN countries religion-wise. Moreover, Vietnam's labor costs for production are relatively low. The Vietnamese Government has been very active in overall infrastructure construction and labor force building in recent years, vying for the presence of high-tech industries.

2023-07-13 10:31:42




The advantages of Vietnam's labor force are that on average, workers are relatively young, and labor costs are lower than those in China. Furthermore, Vietnam is also the country that has signed the most international trade agreements with the fullest coverage. Therefore, if foreign investors set up factories in Vietnam, they are offered preferential tariffs when exporting goods from Vietnam to other countries. This benefit serves as a great incentive and competitiveness booster. Foreign investors continue to be optimistic about Vietnam.

2023-07-13 10:32:32


Vietnam's economy favors foreign investment while the country depends heavily on China at the upstream end of the supply chain. Under such circumstances, what challenges will Vietnam face next? 2 則對談comments 2023-07-13 10:34:56



I think the next challenge is in the workforce. More and more electronic industries and high-tech industries have moved to Vietnam. The Vietnamese Government is also taking measures to improve the quality and skills of laborers. That said, with the total number of the labor force limited, the labor pool for traditional industries such as textiles and shoemaking will be squeezed. It might result in traditional industries relocating to other ASEAN countries such as Indonesia and India.

On the other hand, while the Vietnamese Government is actively engaged in transportation infrastructure construction, there are still limitations and challenges due to the ongoing nature of the projects. Infrastructure construction, such as public roads, is progressing but faces certain limitations.

2023-07-13 10:34:02




Vietnam has been signing FTAs throughout these 10 years. It is because Vietnam can develop its economy only through foreign investment. Vietnam has also established close economic and trade relations with Japan, South Korea, and the European Union through FTAs. Although China has a geographical advantage, plus Vietnam and China have close interactions in terms of party politics, the Vietnamese Government adopts a balanced economic development mode, diversifying possible risks with a diversified foreign investment structure.

2023-07-13 10:34:56


What is the trend of cooperation between Taiwan and Vietnam in terms of economic and trade or industrial supply chains? 3 則對談comments 2023-07-13 10:37:59



Taiwan and Vietnam are very close in trade and investment. Both sides have signed an investment guarantee agreement, which is very important to the bilateral investment relationship between Taiwan and Vietnam.

Many of Taiwan's textile, footwear, and electronics industries have set up factories in Vietnam for many years. Recently, due to the US-China trade war, some of the Apple supply chains have begun to move to Vietnam. Thus, Taiwan's electronics manufacturers in the Apple supply chain will naturally move to Vietnam in response to this trend.  Hence, we can observe a noticeable increase in investments in the consumer ICT industry in Vietnam over the past two years. The industry linkage between Taiwan and Vietnam is strongly related to the layout of the global industry supply chain.

2023-07-13 10:36:04




Vietnam has the great potential to become Taiwan's second-largest overseas base and expand international trade through cooperation with Vietnam. Currently, about 4,000 Taiwanese companies are investing in Vietnam, of which up to 80% are manufacturing-related.

In recent years, to attract more foreign investment and high-tech industries, the Vietnamese government has promulgated a new decree granting "4 exemptions and 9 reductions a half" in industrial rental tax. This policy...

2023-07-13 10:37:28


means the first four years are tax-free and the last nine years are 50% tax reduced. The six key supporting industries include mechanical engineering, footwear and leather, garment and textile, automotive, electronic components, and auxiliary products for high-tech industries. For major investments that are over $50 million, can negotiate additional terms and conditions with the Vietnamese government.

2023-07-13 10:37:59


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